Free GMAT Sentence Correction Practice Test
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The Sentence Correction subsection contains long sentences. Some portions of the sentences will be underlined for you to identify the suitable option from the underlined section. It means you’ll get four options to find the original section. The sentence might have one or two errors. However, it’s also likely that sentences might not have a single mistake.
Ultimately, this subsection evaluates two crucial topics related to language proficiency. Remember, every Sentence Correction question has a sentence with an underlined portion. And there are five methods to phrase the underlined portion. Your task is to analyze the word choice, grammar, and construction of the sentence to select the best answer.
Strategy to Answer Questions
The questions in this section will be based on a passage. Once you read the passage, select a suitable answer to every question. Remember to answer questions from the information presented in the passage. You’ll have five options to phrase the underlined portion. Your best answer will not resemble the other four options.
You should practice the utmost clarity without leaving behind an ambiguous or grammatically awkward answer. It’s an open-end question that requires you to reference every possible answer within the passage.