Free GMAT Integrated Reasoning Practice Test
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Today, business schools are looking for applicants who can become future business leaders. The Integrated Reasoning section evaluates your ability to combine information to solve complicated problems. And that’s why integrated reasoning is considered one of the vital skills to accumulate vast amounts of information to make logical decisions.
Primarily, the Integrated Reasoning section assesses your capacity to contextualize data in the form of text, numbers, and even graphics. Furthermore, it checks your ability to review only the necessary data from various sources. You should be able to arrange data to solve multiple and interrelated and problems. Consequently, you should have the skill to integrate and manipulate data from varied sources.
Some questions need more than one response, you’ll need an online calculator with rudimentary functions to find the answers. The Integrated Reasoning section is designed so that you could combine information to solve complicated problems. Therefore, avoid leaving partial responses to questions where you wouldn’t get any credit.
Integrated reasoning is divided into four (4) kinds of questions. You’ll be presented with both quantitative and verbal reasoning questions. The placement of the questions, however, could be either separate or combined.