How Many Attempts are Allowed?
Test-takers have the flexibility to take the GMAT exam for as many times as they like. That said, you can’t take the test more than five times within 12 months. For example, if you received 800 in your previous GMAT score, you’ll have to wait five years before retaking the GMAT exam.
When You Should Retake the GMAT Exam
If you know for absolute certainty that something did, in fact, went wrong with your GMAT exam, you should retake the test after 16 days of the waiting period. Simultaneously, you can also retake the test if you feel like you can do much better than the first attempt.
The curse of the “rushed judgment” has befallen upon many talented individuals. Sure, your scores are adjusted if you leave a section incomplete but retake the GMAT exam if you feel like you can pick up a better place in the next attempt.
Nervousness often impairs your ability to see things. It’s best to have a visual image of your test center. However, if you want to repeat the process at a more comfortable center, then retake the test without the dread of added anxiety.
Moreover, if you struggled in specific parts of the GMAT exam, practice a targeted study to revitalize old skills and master new ones in your next attempt. So long as you are eligible to retake the GMAT exam, you can register in the same manner as you did the first time.
What Makes GMAT Exam More Competitive than Others?
Comparatively, the GMAT exam is more competitive than other tests is because it’s more practical and has a higher worldwide acceptance rate. This practicality develops your management skills and helps you get into a reputable graduate business school. Essentially, the GMAT exam is a standardized test that has managed to maintain high standards for years.
Also, to be blunt, it is relatively challenging than other tests. However, you can mitigate your level of difficulty by reaching for the passing scores. GMAT exam sets itself apart from others because gaining a 760 score requires the same effort as it did five years ago.
Security and Reliability of GMAT Exam
The GMAT exam has specific terms and conditions, testing standards, procedures, testing environment, and validation policies that improve the security of the test. The GMAT exam is viewed as reliable and safe because it deploys modern advanced technology across the globe.
In addition, the GMAT exam is conducted via a computer that leaves no room for unbiased or unprejudiced judgment towards the test-takers. Consequently, it increases the consistency and fairness of the test. The computer-adaptive nature of the GMAT exam facilitates test-takers to register any time of the year. Furthermore, you can now track the time and the number of every question you answer.
Besides, the GMAT exam is compatible with test-takers and automatically adjusts to their level of difficulty. The more you answer the questions successfully, the easier it becomes for the computer to choose the next question.
Aspiring MBA graduates all over the world have come to realize a variety of reasons that makes GMAT the best testing approach. First, the GMAT exam has fewer questions as compared to other tests. However, test-takers won’t have to face the questions that are too straightforward or tough for you.
Another measure of GMAT reliability is that it calculates your scores as a whole rather than individually. Evidently, questions are chosen for test-takers separately. However, rules about different kinds of questions have a simple outlook that makes sure your results are fair.
Best Time to Take GMAT Exam
As MBA and other similar graduate business programs have different last date applications, it is better to choose your program of interest in advance to make sure that your GMAT score is reported on time before the deadline. Remember, no matter what time of the year you take the GMAT exam, your score is valid for at least five (5) years.
That said, several MBA programs receive and accept applications in bulks that can finalize in September at popular graduate programs and can end late in April or May. Minimally, you should take from 2 to 3 months to study before the GMAT exam takes place. And that’s because applicants who score 90% or higher study more than 120 hours before the test.
The Average Passing Score
When it comes to the passing GMAT exam score, it’s better to find the mean average GMAT score of other accepted applicants to the MBA programs. Your objective should be to get a solid foundational baseline for the scores.
The score for the Quantitative and Verbal sections ranges from 0 to 60, with a mean average of 39 for Quantitative and 27 for the Verbal section. Again, the score majority of the business schools for MBA programs prioritize the collective score scale of 200–800, which has a mean average score of 552.
Registration Criteria and Applicability
The GMAT exam is an entry-level test carried out throughout the year without a dedicated day or month. In hindsight, you can register for the GMAT exam at any time of the year. This flexibility allows individuals to enroll and prepare on their terms. Furthermore, the full availability of the slots enables applicants to decide the date of the GMAT exam with ease.
Contemporarily, the registration process in 2019 and beyond is more straightforward than ever. There are no severe restrictions attached to the registration process. You can get an application form at a specified date during registration and then attempt the GMAT exam at any time of the year.
How Soon You Can Get the Results
Once you finish the exam, you can get the results of the GMAT instantaneously. The initial report contains a rough score that only combines your Quantitative and Verbal section scores. You’ll get the final report of the score within 20 days or less. Apart from Quantitative and Verbal scores, the final scores show your scores in the Analytical Writing Assessment and Integrated Reasoning sections.
Fee Structure of GMAT Exam
The current fee for the GMAT exam is set at the U.S. $250. If you, however, want to reschedule seven (7) days after the test, you’ll have to pay an extra sum of $50. Conversely, if you are going to reschedule the GMAT exam before those seven days, you’ll have to pay the complete U.S. $250. Simultaneously, if you want to cancel the test more than seven days before the date, you’ll get a reimbursement of U.S. $80. That said, you won’t receive any refund if you cancel the exam a few days before the exam date. And if you are not satisfied with your initial results of the GMAT exam, then you can directly cancel your score for $25.
UGO Prep: Your Quest to Get the Best Guide is Over
The GMAT exam is perfect for you so long as you are sincerely want to get a graduate degree from a business school. When you complete the GMAT exam with flying colors, business schools get a general idea about your aptitude and willingness to earn a business degree. In fact, it is considered as a predictor to finalize students in world-renowned graduate business schools.
It is time to show your persistence, enthusiasm, and skill to thrive in business school. Besides, successful completion of the GMAT exam will ultimately elevate your standard from other applicants. You deserve to connect with the best program that fits your talents. Why not improve your chances to earn more and open doors to endless opportunities.
UGO Prep can provide you a GMAT Guide that fits your aspirations and your lifestyle. Think of GMAT as a platform where you can demonstrate your skills and reach the heights of your true potential. It’s never too early or late to aspire for perfection.